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Jed Savage

The FOID Card Debacle

Illinois Resident need to have a Firearm Owners Identification (FOID) card to purchase and possess firearms or ammunition. It’s simple, and it’s the law. The constitutionality of the FOID card has been questioned several times in the courts, and as of this article, the legality of the FOID card stand.

The rules for a FOID card are simple, go to to check it out for yourself. While the rules are simple, getting or renewing one in 2020 isn’t that easy. The delays in new applications during 2020 and the lack of follow-up have caused letters from attorneys, and the delays in processing have brought the constitutionality of the process back into question.

Illinois has felt the effects of COVID-19, there is no doubt in my mind. I also believe that the offices may run a little leaner because of this. I wonder if the State of Illinois is going to give the residents of the state the same leeway to the taxpayers this year? Illinois is basically bankrupt and has a reputation of not paying its bills on time. Are they going to let the citizens of the state follow their lead? Probably not.

We know times are tough for everyone, but if the FOID cards can’t be issued in a timely manner, maybe it is time to get rid of them. The state has made stated that if a FOID card expires; they honor it for up to 18 months after the expiration. Why not just suspend the need for the cards entirely during the pandemic and allow the citizens to exercise their right to bear arms as stated in the constitution?

The FOID card is just another way for Illinois to place a tax on people who choose to exercise their rights to buy and carry a firearm legally. The FOID card does NOTHING to prevent a criminal from getting a gun. Look at the violence in Chicago, does anyone think the FOID card has limited gun violence there? Nope, Illinois just likes to put restrictions on honest people and create barriers for honest citizens to protect themselves.

The growing violence not only in Illinois, but around the nation has created a heightened desire for law-abiding citizens to buy a gun for protection. The FOID card (TAX) and the inability for Illinois to process applications and issue these useless documents has done nothing but hinder the ability of an honest resident of this state to protect themselves. Suspend the need for the FOID card to purchase guns and ammunition until at such time they can process the applications in a timely manner and stop denying the constitutional rights of the citizens of Illinois.

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